Australian Winter Camping Essentials
-At Valhalla, we specialise in a huge range of outdoor gear for all different climates, that’s why we have put together the essentials you should be bringing on your next Aussie winter camping adventure.
5 Winter Camping Destinations
-Camping during winter means that you don’t have to worry about sunstroke, crowds of other campers, mozzie bites or a flooded tent. What more could you ask for?
Food and Hydration on your Mission- What Sustenance is Important to Have on Hand
-Camping during winter means that you don’t have to worry about sunstroke, crowds of other campers, mozzie bites or a flooded tent. What more could you ask for?
Our Top Clothing Picks for Your Next Mission
-Functionality meets everyday wear, we’ve picked some of our favourites to make your next mission even better!
Dos & Don’ts of Summer Camping
-Australian summer conditions can be volatile and making sure that you are prepared for every situation is vital. We have put together a list of our do’s & don’ts of summer camping so that you have a safe and enjoyable time on your next adventure.
Summer Survival Tips
-For many of us, our adventurous nature can sometimes find us in tricky situations where we are forced to survive for periods of time before we are once again comfortable and safe. Read our tips on how to survive in the summer.